Absolute Beginners Guide To Internet Marketing

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Progress So Far

Today I thought I'd bring you an update on how my Internet Marketing plans are progressing. It's all very well reading and rereading as much as I can but I'm clearly not going to make any money until I actually put some stuff out there.

We'll gloss over my first project which, like most people, was focused in the Internet Marketing/Money Making/Scam type niche and was really never going to go anywhere. I escaped that one with minimal losses after only purchasing an over priced domain name and 10 quids worth of Google Adwords. So considering the small outlay I guess it was a good learning experience.

Plan number two was inspired by the 15kchallenge that I've posted a link to before. Dan Raine is frankly a genius and I feel no shame in using a load of his ideas for my own ends. So stop number one was a subscription to www.easynicheproduct.com (don't worry its a regular link not an affiliate one) and a couple of hours spent coming up with ideas based around what I found.

Several ideas jumped off the page at me but one really hit home as having loads of potential. Like the typical wannabe IM guru that I am, I'm not going to share the niche itself but it seems to have a pretty big potential customer base and not too much IM competition.

Having identified the niche I've started posting in a couple of related high traffic forums, creating articles and generally starting to drive traffic towards two blogs. One blog is a collection of the articles and the other is an interesting experiment blog related to the chosen niche. Once things have progressed further I'll discuss it more but for now I just want to see how it works out.

So, its all starting to come together and its time to register for Aweber and throw up a namesqueeze page to start getting subscriptions for my VIP launch.

Before I go I want to share my latest marketing idea. I doubt I'm the first person to think of it, but I'm pretty sure I didn't read it anywhere. After the typical namesqueeze page where you offer a free ebook to anyone who signs up for your launch, take visitors through to a second page where you offer them another ebook if they refer 3 or more friends (also including an easy form through which to do it). Really simple and I'm hoping, really effective.

Let me know what you think!


  • Hi Andrew.
    I don't like the "refer 3 friends" method. They wouldn't stay my friends for long if I would keep referring them!!! When I see a screen that wants referrals before letting me download anything, I just leave.

    By Blogger Dena Gottlieb, at 1:52 PM  

  • Thanks for the thoughts Dena. They'll be getting the first ebook just for signing up to the list and the other ebook is a bonus offer if they refer their friends.

    I'll do some asking around Warrior and CYN and see what people think.

    By Blogger Andrew Fletcher, at 11:36 AM  

  • FYI typo in the 2nd paragraph " So stop number one was a subscription to. . ."

    By Blogger Noah, at 9:25 PM  

  • Hi noah,

    I'm obviously being blind this evening. What am I missing there?

    By Blogger Andrew Fletcher, at 9:32 PM  

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